“Taiwan can help” is never just a slogan”

Enm-New-FR:Laurance /International

Taipei, Taiwan / International

Figure / Internet remake

When talking about Taiwan, the first impression will be the technology advanced lead by industries. More of this, Taiwan has continued to proof the extraordinary success of tackling the Covid-19 crisis with the experience of SARS outbreak back in 2002. “Taiwan Can Help” was deeply remark in different populations which had accepted the donation from Taiwanese Government and charity.

Although this war of Covid-19 is yet to be ends, looking back the last few years of combating. Taiwan didn’t just prove to the world about we could fight, more of it we have a decent success of steady our economics when lots of the other country was in panic of significant economical drops.

With a 23 million of population country, we are having abilities to survive with steep

conflicts between China. As a result, Taiwanese fought hard to stand in a seat of the world development and growth. Proving to the world that we are an individual country not a belonging to other countries.


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